I found this quote as I was going through my dad’s personal files with him. As I started to read it, he recited it from memory. Clearly this is something that he made important enough to remember.
what it says:
“I follow this precious path but once. If there is any good deed along the way which I might perform, let me not neglect it. For I follow but once and never return.”
I know my dad has always been kind and service-oriented, but I never knew there was an inspiration behind it.
I looked it up to see who authored it and found this: “I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”, written by Etienne de Grellet, who was a Quaker missionary.
My dad didn’t have it exactly right, but he got the ethos of it right. More importantly he has lived by it, helping where he can and making that his priority.
As I watch my family helping in his care now, I know where we all got it from.

Try this ONE thing
Are you helping where you can? And doing it while you can, for none of us will pass this way again.
Want to experience coaching? I like to start with a deep, get-to-know-you conversation to see if we are right for each other. Sometimes we talk for one or two hours at no charge. I have no goal except to bring about transformation. Together we work on the lies, the self-deception, the fears of the power you perceive to be outside yourself. We work on your difficulties in making decisions and your inability thus far to make bold choices in life and to follow through and trust yourself completely to do so.
The irony for some people is that the very thing that they want the coaching for (an indecisive, half-hearted life) is what’s keeping them from deciding whether to get coaching.
When you’re ready, reach out @ karen.laidlaw.theONEthing@’outlook.com. Meanwhile, enjoy the blog!