Roxie Nafousi, respected inspirational speaker, has a manta that reads, I make decisions from a place of self-love and self-respect.
That’s a great piece of advice and one I’m making my new mantra.
The other night I was watching one of those ‘Housewives’ shows when one of them reveals she turned down a business engagement paying $45K because her boyfriend didn’t like something about the prospective business partner. Note that he's her boyfriend, not her fiancé, not her husband, not something she is committed to who is committed to her. And a boyfriend, she notes, with whom there had been many squabbles of late.
Now I know it’s TV and we aren’t getting the full story, but the idea that she would forego $45K to please a squabbling boyfriend struck me as exactly the opposite of self-love and self-respect.
Though it’s never cost me vast sums of money, I recognize that as a people pleaser I tend to give love to get love. I am realizing right away the lack of self-love and self-respect in that, and I knew what I had to do.
The next day, I ended a romantic relationship where I never felt heard or seen, where my feelings often weren’t considered. And that’s a first step to making it about self-love and self-respect. And opening myself up to something better.

Try this ONE thing
How about you? Is there a place in your life where you need to apply more self-love and more self-respect? What’s a decision you can make from that place?
Want to experience coaching? I like to start with a deep, get-to-know-you conversation to see if we are right for each other. Sometimes we talk for one or two hours at no charge. I have no goal except to bring about transformation. Together we work on the lies, the self-deception, and the fears of the power you perceive to be outside yourself. We work on your difficulties in making decisions and your inability thus far to make bold choices in life and to follow through and trust yourself completely to do so.]
The irony for some people is that the very thing that they want the coaching for (an indecisive, half-hearted life) is what’s keeping them from deciding whether to get coaching.
When you’re ready, reach out @ Meanwhile, enjoy the blog!