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Does This Sound Like You?
I’ve noticed lately that I’m having so many conversations with women who are languishing which Adam Grant calls a sense of stagnation and emptiness (New York Times April 19, 2021, There’s a Name For The Blah You’re Feeling).
Why does this happen?
Pandemic aside, the reasons are plenty: from feeling overwhelmed and overrun managing all the things, to feeling underutilized and underchallenged at work, to feeling sick and tired of the constant struggle to be seen and heard.
That’s a problem when you consider the important roles we play in families and communities and society. We cannot afford to be sleepwalking through life. Too many are counting on us.
I can help. More importantly, I want to help. I was inspired by Melinda Gates who said: “When we invest in women, we are investing in the people who invest in everyone else”.
I’ve designed just the thing: Create Your Ideal Job!
This is for you if...
You’re already successful and you’re looking for something more
You’re ready to make a positive impact on the world by being the best you can be
You want to clear out the malaise, step into your authentic self and go forth in confidence and joy
AND you need a little bit of support and direction to get there.
This IS about taking your next big shot. This IS about dwelling in possibilities. This IS about working at something you love.
I’ve learned some things the hard way, but I’ve done this, and I can show you how to do it too!
In three ninety-minute sessions spread over five weeks, you’ll get all my best tips and resources to think about your job in a new way. The themes are Conceive, Believe, Achieve. You’ll walk away with valuable insights and that ONE thing YOU need to create your ideal job.
And these classes are live and intimate, so we get to really connect with each other and get the support and validation we all need. The women in my beta class loved it.
Here’s what one said:
"Through attending Create Your Ideal Job with Karen Laidlaw, I gained invaluable insights to what was holding me back. As Karen shares her story, she creates a vulnerable safe space for you to 'hit your reset button'. Karen's process asked the right questions and took me through reflective exercises that guided me in identifying and self correcting my limiting thoughts and actions. And with that, I'm In!"
--Donna, IT Professional, Fortune 100 Company
About Your Guide
Karen Laidlaw is a global master facilitator on leadership programs for a Fortune 100 multi-national and has spent the past 15 years facilitating positive, impactful change in leaders.
She is really good at seeing people, seeing their gifts and talents, seeing how things can be better, and then working with them in a compassionate, supportive, but challenging way to make it better.
She has done this herself and she can’t wait to show you how to do it as well.